Sunday, March 18, 2012

2012: Time for Change

Yesterday I watched this amazing documentary about 2012. It wasn't your typical "doomsday" view of 2012, but rather a view that this year is the year that change can happen for the better.

Now, I like watching the "doomsday" type shows about 2012 because they're ridiculous and entertaining. The NatGeo channel even has a show called "Doomsday Preppers" following the lives of people who legitimately believe that this will happen. They build bunkers (one was $450,000!), store food, and prepare their family and pets for "the inevitable." It's quite wild. And so many people believe in the Mayan prediction that civilization will come to apocalypse December 21, 2012, but I just can't get into it (or believe it!). So I definitely needed to watch this and see how we can start to change the world this year.

They talked about permaculture, aquaculture, more efficient infrasturcure (cities more like European ones with more bicycles and shops/offices condensed instead of spread out), and things like yoga, meditation and even psychedelics that can help you to tap into the Earth, the Cosmos, and what you're really here to do.

When I was watching this documentary I was thinking about just how in control people are, but how we're ultimately doing nothing to promote growth. We're polluting water, creating waste, using non-renewable sources, using items for only one function, polluting our own bodies and a whole mess of other things. It's utterly ridiculous.

Now I'm not saying that we should all go out right now and become architects or study biology/agriculture to help better our environment, but if we all understand that this is our only Earth, maybe we can try to work together to make it one in which our great-great-great grandchildren can live on it comfortably.

This week I'm going to try to:
  • go to the gym more so that I can nourish my body (including yoga!)
  • take some time to just reflect on what I can do better for myself and the Earth
  • take a water bottle with me to class/lunch so I don't pollute the Earth more with plastic cups
  • eat less so that more food will be available to people who need it
I definitely recommend you guys to watch 2012: Time for Change! It's on Netflix and probably available online elsewhere.

I hope you will really take time to think about these ideas and what you can do as individuals. Maybe it's to start a small garden at your house or start a club at school that increases awareness of issues like these. Whatever it is, let me know! I'd love to hear from you!

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